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Corporate Action Charter

Everyone at the Kyokuyo Group, from top management to each and every employee, acts in accordance with our Corporate Action Charter, based on our Corporate Philosophy of "Aiming to grow together with society, contributing to a healthy and happy lifestyle and food culture based on management of human respect."

1. As a comprehensive food manufacturing group that contributes to society, we provide products and services with safety and security in order to earn the trust of our consumers and customers.

2. We comply with the law, engage in fair, transparent, and free competition, and maintain healthy and normal relationships with government and administration.

3. In addition to our consumers, customers, and shareholders, we widely communicate with society and actively disclose corporate information in a fair manner.

4. We recognize that tackling environmental problems is essential for the survival of our company and its business, and voluntarily and actively act to do so.

5. We strive to maintain an environment where it is easy to work.

6. We act as a member of the international community, and strive to contribute to the development of related regions.


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